Dig In + Bloom
Welcome Introduction
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Welcome to Dig In + Bloom!
I am so very excited for your journey here. I hope you have some insight into what it will look like and are feeling supported in knowing you are not alone in feeling all the emotions that may be surfacing within you:). Within this first week please take some time to reflect and respond to the questions in the Intro Form. It is used to support seeing where you are at today and again to reflect on at the completion of the program. It has been quite impactful to see the shifts and achievements throughout the program. Find the form here: Intro Form
Please take some time to review each of these pieces, they are the foundation for this program and the ultimate link between this being just another program you do + gain more knowledge AND one that you implement and can support the changes you hope for in your life. These pieces include Daily Practice, Daily Check Ins and Conscious + Present Space. The resources below are to support you in building these foundation pieces and ultimately they are the Human Bloom Lifestyle Practices that you will practice forevermore:) These are the tools to safely and lovingly Be Human. This week take some time to implement them into your life, think about how they can fit today but also long term, especially the daily practice. And do know they are called practices for a reason, they require practice and will teach you quickly that perfection is not a part of blooming, but rather a way we protect ourselves from discomfort aka. blooming:)
Foundational Practices
1. Daily Practice is where you create a sacred + safe space to explore yourself with radical honesty, where you get to know yourself deeply. Here you will practice being within + expanding your Conscious + Present space. It is a space without distraction where you connect + get to know yourself through observation, noticing, allowing, exploring, healing, being + blooming. Where you create a relationship with the whole + fullness of you, yes that means all the parts:) Please refer to the video Daily Practice + Check-Ins AND the Rise Again - Daily Practice Guide for information on how this will look.
To be completed 5-6 times per week. Approximately 30 minutes in length or as tolerated.
2. Daily Check Ins are where you consciously begin to become aware of how you feel within your day. This is how you build a practice of awareness. This will be physical awareness such as sensations, tensions, physical feelings as well as emotions, thoughts and how they show up within your body, how they ‘feel’. It is learning the language of your body. For example, I notice I feel a sense of urgency to finish my task, I feel irritated, anxious, my chest is tightening and my shoulders are really tense. I feel like I could burst yet also feel frozen. This is a check in, here you are the observer of yourself. Like back in science class making observations, here you detach from the energetic washing machine of thoughts + feelings and in your Conscious + Present Space, observe yourself. You build awareness of YOU. These Check Ins will support building your ability to pause and to be clear and present, and in time your ability to center and regulate yourself so you can make choices and responses from your authentic present self and your expanded understanding and compassion. Please review the video above Daily Practice + Check Ins (if you havn’t already) as well as the In the Moment Centering Practices with information on how to center to a safe + connected, regulated space during your check ins.
To be completed 3-5 times per day, or as often as occur. Naturally progressing to be more and more your default/habit.
3. Conscious + Present space is where you want to be during your Daily Practice + Daily Check-ins. And ultimately the space you want to live more and more. This is where you connect within, it is the space where you observe yourself and where you sit with and allow yourself to feel; it is the space where you practice safely + securely being human. This is your unbiased, non - judging, unconditionally loving space. It exists beyond the conditioning + expectations of our mind. When we enter this space we expand the limitations of the mind to include a clearer, broader, more open view. We begin to see many sides to a story and beneath actions + behaviours and to see you make sense, how you act/protect etc has made sense even if you now may need an update to align with your authentic truths.
This space is your conscious pause that allows you to presently observe + review and the more you build capacity here you will see it is where your power to choose to live as authentic you lays. And a space of an increased safety within and capacity to remain in line with your authentic heart + soul truths. It is here where your awareness finds refuge + support in being understood, supported and seen and you find security in your whole + worthy self within.
When beginning it may feel very uncomfortable to observe how you are feeling in your body, how your thoughts + emotions present themselves + feel in your body. This space will provide the support you need to sit with these discomforts. As it supports and guides you to practice centering, regulation and connection within so to see + feel with clarity and grace.
See the video below on how to enter this Conscious + Present Space. Again, remembering it is a practice, entering here at any time including during hindsight moments is significant growth. With practice and in time, it will become more and more in the moment and your default space.
To be entered as often as able, an allowing not forced.
The Human Bloom Lifestyle Implementation Guide is a condensed version of the tools + practices you will learn within the program. You will also learn how to implement them into your every day living. The guide is to give you an overview of the Human Bloom lifestyle, the being + blooming of who you are fully in your every moment. I share this here at the beginning of your self exploration so you may have some reference where you are headed + what you may be digging through as you wander this new path inward. It is my hope this information will provide you a sense of security in what may feel like an unknown + uncertain expedition.
May you feel safety + connection within as you begin your path of human blooming.
xo Rebekah